Graph protocol & WEB 3.0

3 min readDec 21, 2020

In order to understand why i am confident in the success of the graph project, you need to understand the question, what is web 3.0? I’ll try to give a description in a couple of sentences.

WEB 1.0

Technologies, features of website creation and user behavior of the World Wide Web (WWW), characteristic of the 90s and early 2000s, are commonly referred to as Web 1.0 (Web 1.0). During this period, the WWW was dominated by static sites. Such sites were intended mainly for reading, receiving information; apart from hyperlinks, they contained almost no interactive elements, multimedia, did not provide users with the opportunity to conduct a dialogue, exchange files, etc.

WEB 2.0

Web 2.0 is marked by the emergence of new web services, the development of web programming, the improvement of the design and convenience of sites, and the reduction of the user’s ability to be anonymous.

The main disadvantages of WEB 2.0:

  • The dependence of sites on third-party solutions, the dependence of the quality of the service on the quality of work of many other companies.
  • Weak adaptation of the current infrastructure to perform complex computing tasks in the browser.
  • Vulnerability of confidential data stored on third-party servers to attackers.

WEB 3.0

In addition to the problems listed above, WEB 3.0 primarily solves the problem of collecting statistics about users, their preferences and interests, personal life, career, circle of friends can help the site owner manipulate the community in WEB 2.0. Since WEB 3.0 is primarily based on decentralization, it allows you to exclude interested intermediaries from the interaction between two people. The role of the graph protocol in web 3.0 is to make any statistics available both for developers of any applications, for analyzing various data, and for ordinary users. That is, full transparency is available to everyone, you know? This is the uniqueness of the world of blockchain and decentralization.

Now the most used financial projects in the world of blockchain, the so-called decentralized Finance (DeFi).

Here is a good example of what Graph Protocol does and why it is needed. For example, you want to know the amount of outflow and inflow of funds to the wallets of a DeFi project to understand how it is relevant among other users. No problem! With Graph Protocol, you can easily extract this information from the blockchain in a few seconds. And so you can get absolutely any information from the blockchain, using the created subgraphs, or if you want, you can create your own, which will be configured to work with the information you need.

The graph protocol provided a unique opportunity to get to know all this work from the inside, as a curator. I had to work carefully, analyzing subgraphs, because at first it was not easy. But gradually everything becomes clear and here you are already trying to create your own subgraph. I have not yet gone beyond the test subgraph, but this is not enough! I can easily distinguish a high-quality subgraph from a non-working one, and I understand how they work.

The most valuable thing is that I met a lot of new people who helped each other in this work! This is truly something amazing. Most of my conversations were in the Russian community via telegram. I’m now looking forward to starting curating in mainnet to start bringing real value to people and projects.

